Zwift Ride with Mywhoosh, Indievelo, Rouvy and much more!

Cycling enthusiasts and fitness enthusiasts alike have been drawn to the Zwift Ride bike for its innovative features, immersive virtual training, and seamless integration with the popular Zwift app. However, if you’re someone who likes to explore new fitness apps and training platforms, you might have found the bike’s compatibility limiting. Zwift Ride is often marketed as exclusive to the Zwift app, but did you know there’s a way to unlock its full potential and make it compatible with several other apps?

Enter the QZ app, a versatile solution that allows Zwift Ride users to break free from Zwift-only limitations and enjoy compatibility with a variety of other training platforms. Imagine being able to use your Zwift Ride bike not only with Zwift but also with apps like MyWhoosh, IndieVelo, Rouvy, Kinomap, and many others. With QZ, you can expand your cycling horizons and explore new virtual worlds, all while retaining the advanced features of your Zwift Ride bike.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into how QZ can transform your Zwift Ride experience, offering enhanced versatility, advanced controls, and seamless integration with multiple platforms. Whether you’re a competitive cyclist, a fitness enthusiast, or someone looking to explore more training options, QZ opens the door to endless possibilities.

What is the Zwift Ride Bike?

For those unfamiliar with Zwift Ride, it is a state-of-the-art indoor smart bike designed to work seamlessly with the Zwift app, a popular platform that brings the world of virtual cycling and running to your living room. Zwift Ride combines cutting-edge hardware and software to offer a fully immersive experience where cyclists can train, race, or simply enjoy virtual rides through scenic landscapes alongside other riders from around the world.

What makes Zwift Ride particularly appealing is its smart features, including real-time resistance control that adapts to the virtual terrain, precision power meters, and a sleek, modern design. The bike has quickly become a go-to choice for serious cyclists and fitness enthusiasts who want a high-tech, interactive workout.

However, despite its many strengths, Zwift Ride has one limitation: it’s primarily marketed as compatible with Zwift only, limiting users to one app for all their training and riding needs. This can be a drawback for those who prefer variety in their workout routines or want to try other fitness apps.

Enter QZ: The App That Expands Zwift Ride Compatibility

The QZ app is a powerful tool designed to bridge the gap between different fitness platforms and indoor trainers. With QZ, Zwift Ride users can now unlock their bike’s full potential and use it with several other popular fitness apps. Essentially, QZ acts as a “translator” between your Zwift Ride bike and other platforms, making it possible to enjoy a wide range of virtual cycling experiences without being tied to Zwift alone.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using QZ with your Zwift Ride bike:

  1. Compatibility with Multiple Apps
    While Zwift is a fantastic platform, there are many other apps available that offer unique features and experiences. Some focus more on structured training, others on scenic outdoor routes, and some provide competitive racing environments. QZ makes it possible to connect your Zwift Ride bike to a variety of apps, including:
  • MyWhoosh: A free indoor cycling app offering structured workouts and beautiful virtual worlds.
  • IndieVelo: A competitive platform focusing on racing and event-based training.
  • Rouvy: Known for its augmented reality routes and real-world terrain simulation.
  • Kinomap: Offers scenic outdoor rides, real-world videos, and personalized training plans.
    With QZ, you’re no longer restricted to Zwift alone—you can explore the full spectrum of virtual cycling apps and find the one that best suits your training style and goals.
  1. Seamless Integration and Easy Setup
    One of the best features of QZ is how easy it is to set up and use. The app works by “translating” the data from your Zwift Ride bike, such as power, cadence, and speed, into a format that other apps can understand. This means you don’t have to worry about complex setups or losing the advanced features of your bike. Once connected, the bike functions as if it were natively supported by the other app.
    The app is available for both iOS and Android devices, and the setup process is straightforward. You simply need to download the app, pair it with your Zwift Ride bike, and select the fitness platform you want to use. In just a few clicks, you’re ready to start your workout!
  2. Virtual Gearing from Zwift Play Controls
    One of the standout features of the Zwift Ride bike is its ability to simulate real-world gearing changes, allowing cyclists to shift gears just like they would on a road bike. This feature is integrated with Zwift Play controls, offering a more immersive and realistic cycling experience.
    Thanks to QZ, you can still take advantage of virtual gearing when using other apps. Whether you’re riding through a scenic route on Kinomap or racing through the augmented reality roads of Rouvy, you’ll be able to shift gears and manage resistance directly from the Zwift Play controls. This keeps the experience fluid and natural, just as it would be within the Zwift app.
  3. Unlocking New Training Possibilities
    The Zwift Ride bike is an excellent tool for fitness enthusiasts, but using it with only one app can limit your training options. By unlocking compatibility with multiple platforms through QZ, you can tailor your training to suit your goals. Whether you’re preparing for a race, working on endurance, or just looking for a scenic ride to unwind after a long day, QZ provides access to an ever-expanding world of possibilities.
    For example, if you’re looking for more structured, race-focused training, IndieVelo might be a better fit for your goals. On the other hand, if you enjoy scenic, real-world routes, Rouvy or Kinomap could provide a more enjoyable experience. With QZ, the choice is entirely yours.
  4. Future-Proof Your Zwift Ride Bike
    The world of fitness technology is constantly evolving, and new platforms, features, and apps are being developed all the time. By using QZ, you ensure that your Zwift Ride bike remains future-proof and adaptable to these changes. As new apps and platforms emerge, you’ll be able to continue using your bike without needing to purchase new hardware or invest in additional upgrades.
    This flexibility is especially important as more cyclists and fitness enthusiasts are adopting virtual training platforms. By staying connected to the latest apps and trends, you can keep your workouts fresh and exciting, ensuring you get the most out of your Zwift Ride bike for years to come.

How to Get Started with QZ and Zwift Ride

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your Zwift Ride bike, getting started with QZ is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Download QZ
    The QZ app is available for download on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Search for “QZ” and install the app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Pair Your Zwift Ride Bike
    Open the QZ app and follow the instructions to pair your Zwift Ride bike. The app will automatically detect the bike’s sensors and connect to it.
  3. Choose Your Preferred App
    Once paired, select the fitness platform you want to use. Whether it’s MyWhoosh, IndieVelo, Rouvy, or Kinomap, QZ will handle the data translation and make your bike compatible with the chosen app.
  4. Start Riding!
    With everything set up, you’re ready to start riding. Enjoy the expanded possibilities of using your Zwift Ride bike with multiple platforms and take full advantage of virtual gearing and other advanced features.


Don’t let the limitations of a single app hold you back. With QZ, you can take your Zwift Ride bike experience to the next level and enjoy a world of possibilities that go far beyond Zwift.

2 thoughts on “Zwift Ride with Mywhoosh, Indievelo, Rouvy and much more!

  1. Hello Roberto,

    Thank you for providing users like me, who have purchased a Zwift bike and have been hoping for a long time to use it with other apps, with a solution through your app. I have some follow-up questions as I’m still unfamiliar with your app.

    When I have the Wahoo Kickr Core turned on and the Zwift handlebars in Bluetooth search mode, your app always detects the Kickr Core first. Is that correct? How do I connect the Zwift bike, including the virtual shifting, so that I can use it in apps like MyWoosh, Rouvy, or FulGaz?

    Currently, when I try using the app, I am unable to shift gears, although all other parameters like cadence and power are transmitted correctly.

    I really appreciate the concept behind your app and hope you can assist me with this issue.

    Best regards,

    1. hi! you need to follow this Zwift Play or Zwift Click for Virtual Gear on any bike! to enable the zwift play controller then you will need to use mywhoosh or rouvy or any other apps on a separate phone, tablet or pc. let me know if you have any other questions

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