qdomyos-zwift: Proform and I-Console support!

QZ is not affiliated with or endorsed by any subscription service or maker of exercise equipment.

I’m happy to announce that this week i added support of Proform bikes (and treadmill) and i-console (enerfit, for example) treadmills (maybe even bike?)

So what are you waiting? Do you want to run zwift on your proform device or i-console ones? Give it a try to qdomyos-zwift!

13 thoughts on “qdomyos-zwift: Proform and I-Console support!

      1. Hi,
        bought the app because i ready about iConsole Support. But it’s maybe Just for Bikes?
        How about iConsole rowing Machines Like the Baltic Rower Pro?
        Thank you!

  1. Hi I’ve got a Taurus Z9 pro bike using iconsole. Your app seems to link to it but all the metrics stay at 0. Do you know if the app will work with it? thanks

    1. Hi, I never heard this bike but it doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t work. Did you enable the toorx/iconsole bike setting in the settings and restarted the app?

  2. Salve
    Ho una spinning bike Pro Form Tour de france che uso in modo non interattivo (non uso l’abbonamento IFIT)
    Il display non si vede ma accetta i comandi tramite il touch display.
    QZ potrebbe visualizzare il display durante l’allenamento tramite la APP?
    (Potenza, cadenza etc.)
    La console non è riparabile.
    modello spin bike PFEVEX71413.3
    Grazie Ciao
    Enrico Riegel

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