QZ is not affiliated with or endorsed by any subscription service or maker of exercise equipment.

Great news guys! Starting from today you will be able to share your cadence and your heart rate (Apple watch or Heart Rate Belt) directly to your Peloton app without any additional sensors!
Of course you will always be able to run Zwift as well without any additional ones!
Also i added support for Fassi treadmill ( Fassi tapis roulant for the italian users) and Yesoul bike (a Xiaomi one). Check it out in the stores!

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Hi Roberto, I stoked about your app and have been mentioning it on the many sites I have accessed lately. I recently purchased an Echelon EX-4s. It’s Costco’s version with a 10″ android tablet. The tablet is locked down and I have been able to to to main screen and load other apps but, I still have an issue when I run the Echelon app that it locks the tablet back down. Also, Google Play cannot be loaded on the tablet (at least at this time).
So, my question to you is if I can be part of your Beta and have access to your SDK outside of the store? I would then run your app on the 10″ tablet and run the cycling apps off my phone or computer. The goal is to stream the content onto a big screen tv. This solution is unique because we are dealing with a 10″ panel. But, I think the best use of the panel is to run Qdomyos-zwift…
hi jeff, the code is open source https://github.com/cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift
So yes you could build it and run on your device without google play!
hey roberto, I have to claim ignorance…I don’t know how to “build” an SDK
actually, it looks like I need the “apk” file…
Hi, amazing work you are doing. Could you connect Echelon to iFit app? I want to use iFit for riding out doors on my Echelon Bike.
yes i guess so, ifit use FTMS or cadence sensor. My app has both 🙂
Give it a try!
Hello roberto,
I want to buy your application (qdomyos zwift). I bought yesoul bike (m1 pro) with has Bluetooh device. İf ı buy your application, is it work my bike? You said if u yesoul pla contact me. So ı contact you. How can u help me? Thank u.
Hi! Thank you for creating this app! Do you have instructions on how to use your app with Peloton Digital? I can successfully display my Echelon Sport metrics in app, but when I switch to Peloton app, it still cannot see my bike. I have already enabled ‘Cadence sensor (peloton compatibility)’ and ‘Heart rate service outside FTMS’.
did you already see this https://robertoviola.cloud/qdomyos-zwift-guide/?fbclid=IwAR0UDwnahh8jqla9RmtJeEjv8V5YVr9ozx7kuGqY5PBXVk6ZaBG9SNEmXlE ?
are you aware that you need to use 2 devices? one for my app and one for peloton?
Ahh I didn’t see the YouTube video in the post. Seems like you need a second device, correct?
Ciao Roberto,
Have you seen the EchBT app for Android? Was wondering if you had considered a floating window display to allow single device usage? Just curious.
Yes i saw it, I’m not a big fan of floating Windows. The target of my app is 3rd party app, so you will always need a second device. So i don’t think I will add it. At least not in the near future 😉
What a cool app! As soon as my Yesoul arrives, i will try it out.
Some Questions:
Does the Device that is running your app can run it in the background or can the screen be locked?
Have you considered supporting Kinomap in the future or is that even possible?
Thanks a lot for your great work here!
on android it can running in the background but when the screen on. If it goes in standby you will lost the realtime bluetooth connection.
I guess kinomap already works out of the box 😉 if it doesn’t i will make it work 😉
Hi Dennis,
Did u manage to connect Yesoul bike?
Are you happy with the purchase? I am looking into buying a yesoul s3. Thanks!
Thanks for the app. Lifesaver for sure! I was wondering if I can rearrange the order, from top to bottom, left to right, of the parameters on the screen as they appear within the app? Typically, I like to see Cadence, Resistance and Heart Rate, first at the top of the screen. These are typically the cardio workout parameters that are most important. Currently, on my android phone, I have to scroll down every 30 seconds or so, whenever I would like to see heartrate, then scroll back up again to see cadence and resistance, then back again. If I cannot rearrange the order of the parameters, if I use a droid tablet with a bigger screen turned sideways on my flywheel media tray, will that show most of my parameters without scrolling?
Hi! I’ve just add this on the beta 😉
Hi Roberto,
I purchased the droid version about 10 days ago. Is this the beta version you’re mentioning or do I need to delete the current version on my galaxy and install the newest version on the google store? Do I need to repurchase the app to upgrade to the most recent beta version on the app store? It there a separate purchase for each droid device as well? Also, I understand that to have cadence, resistance and heartrate appear within the peloton app, I need the apple version of the app? Thanks!
Hi this version is already live so just download the update 😉 if you have any questions i invite you to join our Facebook group called qdomyos-zwift 😉
Have a great ride!
Hello Roberto,
Do you have a „how to“ for the connection between the peleton app and the yesoul bike. Your App is connecting to my Yesoul S3 Bike, but when I want to add a device with a 2md phone, the Peleton App doesn‘t find any device.
Using iOs
Hi, are you sure about bluetooth permissions on peloton app? Anyway come and join to our Facebook page called “qdomyos-zwift”. You will meet other people with the same bike/scenario 😉
Hi Roberto;
QDZ is a great app for sure! However, for those of us that are somewhat technical and have the ability to physically replace the Bluetooth controller SOC on our Flywheel (or other bikes) bike, I was wondering if you’d be interested in offering another option through https://www.thisisant.com/developer/components/gfit. The G.FIT SOC, with the SDK available, should be a perfect fit if configured correctly, no? Before QDZ, I was examining other solutions, which included putting the Lifefitness LCD Wattrate computer on the bike or the G.FIT bluetooth SOC. Is this something that you’d be interested in, that way a go between device wouldn’t be necessary between the bike and our tablet? Thanks!
it’s something that i already investigated. I need time but i will definitely do. If you want give me a hand, the project is open source 🙂
Ciao Roberto.. potresti inserire per quali Tapis Roulant di Fassi la tua app sicuramente funziona ? Visto che non sempre ci sono gli stessi modelli in vendita non vorrei prenderne uno e poi non riuscire a collegarlo a Zwift.
Ciao e grazie Ancora
Per quello che ne so, tutti i tapìs fassi hanno lo stesso protocollo bluetooth. Tu su quali eri orientato?
Hi Roberto, this is such a great app!
I have a Apple Watch and I started a “indoor cycle” workout and I started qdomyoszwift app on my watch to see my heart rate on the iPhone screen, however my watch kept switching back to the workout screen and the heart rate would freeze on the iPhone screen.
Also, would it be possible to show the heart rate on my TV? I use a firestick with the peloton app.
Hi you can have only one app on the watch opened recording a workout, that’s the problem. It’s an apple limitation
Also the heart rate on peloton on firestick isn’t possibile due to a peloton limitation on Android.
You see, I’m working on it, but the other developers are lazy 😀
Ok, next time I’ll try only yours on the watch.
It’ll be awesome if you can get the heart rate on the firestick when the limitation is lifted.
Again, great work man! Thank you so much.
Hey! I bought your app and have the Yesoul s3 bike with heart rate monitor. I can not get your app to pick up/display heart rate. Help!
write me to roberto.viola83@gmail.com and i will help you 🙂