How the QZ App Empowers Bowflex Treadmill Users to Share Activities on Strava


Are you a fitness enthusiast who owns a Bowflex treadmill but finds the JRNY app’s limitations frustrating? If so, you’re in for a treat. The QZ app is here to save the day, allowing Bowflex treadmill users to bypass the constraints of the JRNY app, especially when it comes to sharing your workout activities on Strava. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the QZ app’s features, its benefits, and how it can revolutionize your treadmill workouts.

Breaking Free from JRNY Limitations

The Bowflex JRNY app is a fantastic tool for tracking your workouts, providing training programs, and keeping you motivated during your treadmill sessions. However, it does have some limitations that may not align with your fitness goals or preferences. One of the most notable restrictions is the inability to directly share your workout data with Strava, a popular platform among runners and cyclists for tracking their activities and connecting with a community of like-minded fitness enthusiasts.

The QZ App: A Game Changer

Enter the QZ app, a brilliant solution designed to bridge the gap between Bowflex treadmills and Strava. It’s a third-party application that extends the capabilities of your treadmill and overcomes the restrictions posed by JRNY. Let’s take a closer look at what the QZ app can do for you:

  1. Seamless Strava Integration: With the QZ app, you can effortlessly upload your treadmill activities to Strava. This means that every run, walk, or workout you complete on your Bowflex treadmill can be immediately shared with your Strava community, keeping you connected and motivated.
  2. Data Export: If you want to analyze your workout data on other fitness platforms or devices, the QZ app enables you to export your activity data in various formats, making it versatile and compatible with your favorite fitness tools.

Benefits of Using the QZ App

  1. Expanded Community: Strava is a vibrant community of athletes. By sharing your treadmill activities on this platform, you can connect with other like-minded individuals who can provide motivation, inspiration, and support for your fitness journey.
  2. Enhanced Insights: The ability to track your workouts within the QZ app means you have more control over your fitness data and a better understanding of your progress.
  3. Freedom and Flexibility: The QZ app provides the flexibility that the JRNY app might lack. You’re not limited to preset programs or data sharing restrictions, allowing you to tailor your treadmill experience to your liking.


The QZ app is a game-changing solution for Bowflex treadmill users looking to bypass the limitations of the JRNY app, especially when it comes to sharing activities on Strava. With its seamless integration, data export capabilities, and enhanced insights, the QZ app empowers you to take full control of your fitness journey.

So, if you own a Bowflex treadmill and want to unlock the full potential of your workouts while connecting with the vibrant Strava community, the QZ app is the key to your fitness freedom. Give it a try, and watch your treadmill workouts reach new heights!

8 thoughts on “How the QZ App Empowers Bowflex Treadmill Users to Share Activities on Strava

  1. Hello and ciao,
    can you tell me if your app QZ ist compatible with the Bowflex C7 and it works with Strava?
    Thanks/Mille Grazie

  2. The QZ App connects to my Bowflex BXT116 Treadmill, but no data is transferred. I am hoping to connect to the Peloton app using the QZ app.

  3. Is your zwift or qz or other ap compatible with Renestar treadmill, and if so, which ap do I use? Please And thank you!

    1. hi never heard them but install the free app nrfconnect and send me a screenshot about your treadmill using that app and i will let you know!

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