I have an old system running Windows 10 2016 LTSB Enterprise, and i would like to bring it to the current version of Windows.
In the beginning, i thought that a Windows Update run should be enough, but it isn’t.
Infact, Windows Update, will bring the system to the last 2016 LTSB version: 1809.
So, what do you need to update your system?
A Windows 2019 LTSC ISO!
And where can you find it?
So now follow these steps:
Indice dei contenuti
Mount the iso
Mount the iso simply clicking on the right button of the mouse over the iso selecting “Mount”.
Run the installer
Open the Virtual CDROM, and run the installer
Bluetooth driver
During the upgrade process, the setup fails, telling me that i have to update the bluetooth driver first. So follow the link and install the driver. This step it’s not necessary if you don’t have any conflictual driver
After the update, you will have to reboot your system and restart the installation process.
The installation starts
After some minutes, the system will restart and you will see this
After the installation you will have a Windows 10 LTSC. Now it’s time to run again Windows Update! Yeah!
After the reboot, you will have to relaunch Windows Update again!
After installing the KB4559003, your system will be updated (as today 28/07/2020).
No errors?
I’m consistently getting either
We couldn’t install Windows 10
We’ve set your PC back to the way to was right before you started installing Windows 10.
0xc1900101 – 0x20017
The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation.
We couldn’t install Windows 10
We’ve set your PC back to the way to was right before you started installing Windows 10.
0x80070570 – 0x2000C
The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during APPLY_IMAGE operation.
This is upgrading the Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 (1607) to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 (1809).
Seeing this issue on multiple different machines (different images that were build around the same time).
on which phase did you get these errors?
Quindi, se ho capito bene, non si tratta solo di inserire il nuovo product key, ma viene installato un sistema operativo nuovo… corretto?
si, ci viene installato sopra praticamente
if i update to 2019 from 2016, am i need to backup my c 😕
Suppongo il file ISO lo devo scaricare nella sezione “Technet evaluation center”.
Ma per evitare errori, mi puoi indicare quale tra i tanti file ISO è quello giusto, ovvero quale edizione?
Tra l’altro, mettendo nel campo di ricerca “ltsc”, mi indica solo versioni S.
Vorrei evitare errori…
Sinceramente non ricordo, io avevo già la ISO passatami da un collega
Non riesci ad aiutarmi in qualche modo?
Non voglio fare casini, sono PC industriali e non posso metterli KO…
Ti scrivo via mail
procedura utilissima, grazie !!!
La domanda è se in caso di W10 LTSB con ambiente Hyper-V abilitato, dopo update a LTSC sono mantenute app installate, ambiente Hyper-V ed eventuali VM create
da quello che mi ricordo assolutamente si