Stop tty0 from flooding your logs!

I had a strange behaviour on my debian 10 lately: my tty0 starts flooding my log every minute, annoying me about its restart.

Mar 21 14:12:34 server systemd[1]: getty@getty.service: Service has no hold-off time (RestartSec=0), scheduling restart.
Mar 21 14:12:34 server  systemd[1]: getty@getty.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 7166.
Mar 21 14:12:34 server systemd[1]: Stopped Getty on getty.
Mar 21 14:12:34 server systemd[1]: Started Getty on getty.

There is a simple workaround: edit your /etc/systemd/journald.conf and set this


That’s all, restart your beast and everything will be cleaner 🙂

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