Roberto Viola

Proxmox: no screen during installation

I was creating my first Proxmox server on my Home Lan network. I had a spare and unused server with an old AMD Phenom 965 and 8 GB of ram and i would like to give it a try.

So i attached the server to my fresh 4K Tv via HDMI cable and i start it. It seemed all fine, until the startup of the “Installation Wizard“: infact, when it tried to load it, my TV came black and i can only change the shell with CTRL-ALT-Fx.

I thought i encountered a classic screen resolution issue.

So I started Proxmox LiveUSB again, and this time i choose the “Debug Mode” as shown below.

After this, the process stops one time for give you the possibility to change something, press CTRL-D to continue.

It stops a second time, giving you the possilibity to change something before the “Installation Wizard”.

This time we have to do something, so follow me:

  1. cd /etc/X11
  2. Xorg -configure
  3. mv xorg.conf (occasionally the command before could generate the in the root directory, in that case please use “mv / xorg.conf”)
  4. nano xorg.conf
  5. find this section and add the mode line:
Section "Screen"
    Identifier    "Default Screen"
    Monitor        "Configured Monitor"
    Device        "Configured Video Device"
    DefaultDepth    24
    SubSection "Display"
        Depth    24
        Modes     "1024x768"

6. save the file and run the command “startx”
7. the installation wizard will run fine now!